No Clique

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Bib'n'Brace Collective

This event will take place on the unceded land of the people of the Yuggera Nation. We would like to pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge that this land was violently invaded, that colonisation continues to this day and that sovereignty was never ceded.

Bib’n’Brace Collective : 95 Commercial Rd, Teneriffe

From snapshot to studio setting join us as seven visual artists tied to Brisbane throw the concept of ‘high and low’ to the wayside as they explore the importance (and or/insignificance) of the photographic image in their own terms.

NO CLIQUE will be a ONE-NIGHT-ONLY celebration of ‘the photograph’ in its many artistic contexts. Along with this we pay tribute to the nuanced and diverse communities that create, as well as benefit, from digital and analogue image making – aka everyone.

Celebrate the futility of life in a room filled with images that reflect what it is to be alive.

Works from:

● Chris Bowes
● James Hornsby
● Yasmin Jansen
● Kat Nancy
● Seamus Platt
● Marc Pricop
● Julia Scott Green

Feel the space thrive as we highlight the symbiotic relationship between music and visual art.

Musical Sets from:

el delpha
sleepclub (DJs)

NO CLIQUE is an inclusive, safe space and therefore encourages the attendance of people from all walks of life, regardless of race, sexuality, gender identity, physical and/or intellectual ability, class, education or age. There is an absolute ZERO tolerance policy for any form of harassment or attempts to other any individual(s).

Bib’n’Brace Collective is accessible by wheelchair but no wheelchair accessible toilets are on site.

We’d like to thank our amazing sponsors GRAIN and Young Henrys as well as Bib’n’Brace Collective for making this event possible.

Image: Marc Pricop, Tyson, 2017

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