EXIST @ Metro

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Metro Arts

Exist as part of Metro Arts’ new Friday Night event series; is excited to be programming a series of works in progress from contemporary artists at Metro Arts.

Please go to  level 3, Metro Arts in studio 3.1 and studio 3.7

Curated by Tara Heffernan, and starring Eleanor Jackson and Ma Ya Ga Ng Re Ne (Thomas Day) this event features live performance and installation work exploring questions of relationships with space and personal histories.

Both Jackson and Day are Australian artists that engage with notions of the body, presence and time.

In Studio 3.1

Eleanor Jackson will be presenting an interactive installation, Now You See Me.
Taking a titular cue from Karolina Bregula’s project Let them see us, which is emblematic of ongoing themes of representation and visibility in contemporary queer visual art, the piece takes a deliberate step towards “unseeing”, the obscured or misinterpreted view.

In doing so, it asks – with sorrow rather than judgement – if the rainbow visibility of Pride movements and temporary media luminosity have contributed as much to creating a society of acceptance as we may like to imagine

In Studio 3.7

Ma Ya Ga Ng Re Ne (Thomas Day) will be presenting a live performance, Secrete Success.
A recreated office environment is employed as a microcosm for wider society. The repetition of daily activities becoming a distorted lens through which we may examine embedded cultural demands for the individual to succeed

Informed by a diverse range of sources including queer readings of popular culture and Situationist critiques of capitalist society, Secrete Success asks; Who among us can afford the privilege of failure?

Friday Nights showcase work in development; rough, read, and full of potential. Step into studios and rehearsals – see the unseen; give feedback on new ideas; have a glass of wine with Brisbane’s premier artists.

Info not available

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