WHEN Feb 15th, 6:00 – 10:00pm
WHERE : Love Love Studios
Saturate explores the property of colour as a tangible, affective and formal element, one that affects us through sensory experience, yet is observed subconsciously. Each artist forces us to consider colour as an autonomous entity free from object, form, and line. The exhibition provokes not the exploration of the colours themselves, but the abstract concepts that colours stimulate in our minds. It will explore the human relationship to colour – is colour felt rather than simply seen?
The exhibition will showcase both emerging and emergent artists who explore colour as a visual perceptual property in their practice. Saturate will exhibit a veritable mix of art practices to explore colour including photography, graphic design, film and illustration.
Curated by Verity Hayward and Danica Larkin
Exhibiting Artists :
Simon Degroot
Elisa Jane Carmichael
Meagan Streader
Thom Stuart
Julia Scott Green
Angela Chen
Amanda Ceccato
Skye Williams
Dominique Falla