The GAS: Graduate Art Show

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Griffith University Art Gallery, 226 Grey St, South Bank

WHEN : 28th November – 7th February / Opening 28th Nov, 5:30 – 8:30pm
WHERE : Griffith University Art Gallery, 226 Grey St, South Bank

The annual curated showcase of Queensland College of Art graduate artists, including The Survey Co. Art Prize winners. GAS features Fine Art (Jewellery and Small Objects, Painting, Printmaking and Sculpture), Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art and Photography and is held at the Griffith University Art Gallery as the only student exhibition presented each year.

The GAS represents a snapshot of artists’ current interests and methods of working, including artwork that engages with cultural and personal histories, performance, social documentation, and the intersections of art, science and technology.

The artists express diverse ideas through visual languages that are delivered in serious, considered and sometimes playful or humorously inflected tones. The artists in The GAS each have distinct ‘voices’ and we hope you enjoy the surprising, perhaps challenging, and inspiring outcomes of their work.

Griffith University Art Gallery is the flagship public art gallery of Griffith University. It curates and tours new solo projects and group exhibitions throughout the year, bringing Australian and international contemporary art into the QCA campus and the wider community.

Judge of The Survey Co. Art Prize 2013: Luke Roberts
Selection Committee: Ellie Buttrose, Naomi Evans, Grant Stevens

Image: Amy Commins, Synthetic Authenticity (2013)

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