Applications are now open for Shepparton Art Museum’s 2018 Indigenous Ceramic Award (ICA).
As a $20,000 acquisitive prize, the 2018 ICA is open to Indigenous Australian groups and individual artists to propose an exhibition concept to be realised at SAM. Eight shortlisted groups or artists will be supported with an exhibition development fee of $2,200 each to produce new work from March to July. The exhibition will be presented at SAM from 25 August to 11 November 2018.
The Award will be judged by Stephen Gilchrist, Associate Lecturer of Indigenous Art at the University of Sydney; Genevieve Grieves, freelance curator, educator and consultant; and Dr Rebecca Coates, Director of SAM, and announced at the exhibition opening on Saturday 25 August 2018.
About the award
The 2018 ICA is the sixth in the series of this biennial Award, showcasing new and exciting developments in the field. It contributes to the Art Museum’s significant holdings of Indigenous ceramic art, and provides cultural exchange opportunities for Indigenous artists from around Australia and within regional Victoria.
The ICA was established under the patronage of acclaimed artist Dr Gloria Thanakupi Fletcher in 2007. As the Award is increasingly recognised as one of Australia’s significant Indigenous cultural opportunities, there has been increasing interest and participation in the Award from solo artists and collectives in both remote communities and urban centres since its first iteration.
Major Partners of the 2018 ICA include Sir Andrew and Lady Fairley Foundation and Mr Allan Myers AO QC.
Application form available here.
Image: Gallery Kaiela – Jack Anselmi and Cynthia Hardie, Midden 2016. Commissioned as part of the 2016 Indigenous Ceramic Art Award (ICAA). Courtesy and © the artists and Gallery Kaiela, Shepparton, VIC. Photo: Christian Capurro.