un Magazine: Publication Launch

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23 July
23 July
Institute of Modern Art
Please join us for the launch of un Magazine issue 16.1, edited by D Harding and Hilary Thurlow.

D and Hilary will introduce the volume and the methodologies explored around the format of annotations. Hilary states, “We initially conceived this issue with a static notion of what an annotated bibliography is and the role they fulfill: academic, even prosaic perhaps—a series of texts strung together by a central theme and a short analysis following each citation. I found myself tethered to the format taught at the tertiary level and envisioned a compilation of perfectly formatted annotations following Chicago’s Manual of Style. Yet, what you’ll read here is an unfolding test into what constitutes as an annotation and a series there of. No two texts are the same in neither content nor form: some are essayistic and unorthodox, while others follow a more conventional format.”

Let’s gather in the IMA Gallery Shop to celebrate un Magazine 16.1 featuring art + writing by: Emily Mulvihill, Lévi McLean & Chandler Abrahams, Bree Di Mattina, Mandy Quadrio, Sumugan Sivanesan, Adele Wilkes, Ella Mudie, Bianca Acimovic, Johanna Ellersdorfer, Mia Boe, Michael Brown, Lucreccia Quintanilla & Meredith Turnbull, Brian Martin, Milly Mitchell-Anyon, Jade Irvine, Melissa Ratliff, and Anne-Marie Te Whiu.

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