The National Photographic Portrait Prize is an annual event intending to promote the very best in contemporary photographic portraiture by both professional and aspiring Australian photographers.
Photography is the dominant portrait medium of our time. The National Photographic Portrait Prize is an important aspect of the National Portrait Gallery’s exhibition program, reflecting the distinctive vision of Australia’s aspiring and professional portrait photographers and the unique nature of their subjects.
With the generous support of Visa, the National Portrait Gallery is offering a prize of $25,000 for the most outstanding photographic portrait. The exhibition tour is supported by the National Collecting Institutions Touring and Outreach Program, an Australian Government program aiming to improve access to the national collections for all Australians.
The Mayor and Councillors of Moreton Bay Regional Council have the pleasure of inviting you and your partner to the opening of National Photographic Portrait Prize 2013 at 6 pm Tuesday 29 April 2014 with Special guest, Jo Gilmour, Curator, National Portrait Gallery.
At the opening Joanna Gilmour, Curator at the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra will give a curator talk in the gallery. Her talk will include a general introduction to the NPPP as a project and why it’s such an important part of the Portrait Gallery’s program. Then she will speak more specifically about the selection process for the exhibition and what the NPG looks for in a ‘portrait’ as opposed to a ‘photograph’.