Contemporary War Film Program

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University of Queensland Art Museum

This program offers audiences an opportunity to engage with the diverse and compelling genre of the contemporary war film, and was conceived to accompany the UQ Art Museum exhibition Conflict: Contemporary responses to war. Curated by John Edmond, PhD candidate in The University of Queensland’s School of English, Media Studies and Art History (EMSAH), the program includes a thoughtful and complementary line-up of narrative, documentary and experimental film.

10.30am – 11.55pm
Essential killing MA (Jerzy Skolimowski 2010) 
This mostly silent political thriller is a study in contrasting environments as an Afghani warrior (Vincent Gallo) is captured and taken to a secret US detention centre then escapes into the freezing snows of Poland.

12.45 – 2.20pm
Soundtrack to war M (George Gittoes 2005)
This renowned documentary by acclaimed Australian filmmaker and artist George Gittoes conveys the significance of music to Iraq-deployed US soldiers in a powerful critique of war and the human condition.

2:30 – 4:00pm
Fallout program (the following films are unclassified)

The Freestone Drone (George Barber 2013)
Sans-titre (Neïl Beloufa 2010)
Circle in the sand (Michael Robinson 2012)

Three experimental shorts that address post-conflict spaces, whether through sentient technology, a fictitious villa, or kitsch bricolage gathered from an obsolete culture.

For more information on the program click here

Free. All welcome.
*RSVP by 8 August essential as numbers are limited

RSVP here

Production still from Soundtrack to war 2005
Director: George Gittoes
Image courtesy: the artist

Info not available

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