Rex Butler considers the history of artistic interaction between Australia and South America as part of his ‘UnAustralian’ project with A.D.S. Donaldson. This lecture concludes with a consideration of Chilean-Australian artist Juan Davila’s series Un-Australian (2014) and, in conversation with Gillian Whitlock, the ‘unAustralian’ art of the detention camp.
Rex Butler is an Associate Professor and Reader in Art History in the School of Communication and Arts at The University of Queensland. He has taught art history for almost 20 years at UQ, and is leaving to take up a professorial appointment at Monash University. His most recent publications are the edited ‘Art after Deconstruction: Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe’ (2011) and ‘The Žižek Dictionary’ (2013). He curated the exhibition ‘Marioni/MacPherson’ for The University of Queensland Art Museum in 2013.
Gillian Whitlock is a Professor in the School of Communication and Arts. She is a graduate of The University of Queensland and Queen’s University in Canada, and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. Her scholarly networks focus on the fields of life writing and postcolonialism, with an emphasis on contemporary writing. Her most recent book is ‘Postcolonial Life Narrative’ (Oxford University Press, 2015). Her current project is ‘The Testimony of Things’, a study of the archives of asylum seeker artefacts in the Fryer Library.
Free. All welcome.
Refreshments will be served after the lecture.