Rachael Sedgman
Janet Osborne
Christine Houston
Nick Lawrence
Robert Andrews
Chris Macpherson
Belinda Giddins
Tessa Brown
Jac Dyson
Xiao Deng
Katie Cornell
Julie Birks
Erena Mercer
Mark Sherwood
Gabrielle Tucker
Margot Tidey
About Us:
Reframed is a Brisbane-based collective of emerging and mid-career artists working across a diverse range of media and individual art practices. These practices include painting, drawing, print-making, photography, sculpture, installation and jewellery. We have held an annual group exhibition for each of the past six years, with previous venues being Circle Gallery (2010, 2011), Bleeding Heart Gallery (2013) and White Canvas Gallery (2012, 2014, 2015). Previous exhibitions have been opened by Chris Saines, Director, QAGOMA, and Jason Smith, Curatorial Manager of Australian Art, QAGOMA.
About The Exhibition:
Our exhibition title, ‘A Persistent Illusion’, is derived from a quote by Albert Einstein, who believed that “reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one”. While the world around us may appear solid, logical and linear, the personal reality we each experience is anything but. At certain moments, the intersection of our personal reality and our external reality gives rise to an unusual sensation of unreality, in which the illusion of a cohesive reality seems to waver (daydreams, déjà vu, etc). For this year’s exhibition, each artist was invited to explore these moments of unreality, as well as interrogating broader notions of reality from both an individual and conceptual viewpoint.
Official Opening: 5pm Friday, 18 November 2016