A Yarn Event

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UQ Art Museum

n conjunction with the OCCURRENT AFFAIR exhibition, proppaNOW Dialogues is a conversation series that tackles urgent subjects central to the work of the Brisbane-based Aboriginal artist collective, proppaNOW.

Formed in Brisbane almost 17 years ago, proppaNOW is a thesis, a language, and an idea – a collective space for critical dialogue, intergenerational membership, and artistic practice. Issues surrounding the artworks in OCCURRENT AFFAIR extend to pertinent and recurring ‘affairs’ for Aboriginal and non-Indigenous Australians, including the climate crisis, collectivism, healthcare, justice, truth-telling and healing.

In proppaNOW Dialogues, Aboriginal academics and thinkers will present urgent research alongside the artists, in a series of roundtable discussions. Held at The University of Queensland, the conversations recognise the University’s current and former Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander academic leaders and thinkers.

Online Schedule:

9:45am: Professor Tracey Bunda: Acknowledgement of Country

9:55am: UQAM Senior Curator, Peta Rake: Housekeeping and Introduction

10:00-12:00pm: OCCURRENT AFFAIR Guest Curators, Amanda Hayman and Troy Casey (Blaklash Creative) in conversation with current members of proppaNOW, Tony Albert, Vernon Ah Kee, Richard Bell, Megan Cope, Gordon Hookey, and Jennifer Herd.

12:45-2:15pm: Sovereign Circle moderated by Associate Professor Sandra Phillips with Ellen van Neerven, Maxwell Brierty, Mia Strasek-Barker, and more.

2:30-4:30pm: #whatNOW moderated by Associate Professor Chelsea Watego

*More information to be released. Please note there will be one live stream link for the entire day.

**There is a small in-person audience for this event, which is invite only and limited due to COVID Restrictions. We are currently at capacity for the in-person audience.


proppaNOW: Vernon Ah Kee, Tony Albert, Richard Bell, Megan Cope, Jennifer Herd, Gordon Hookey, and Laurie Nilsen

Guest curators: Amanda Hayman and Troy Casey (Blaklash Creative)

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