This body of work is the culmination of Annique Goldenberg’s Doctor of Visual Art (Research) exploring the nature of our relationship with Living Water in a time of climate crisis. A deliberate and slow study of listening, transformation, kinship, care, and co-creation, the final work was conceived in ice and flood, and concludes in flood and ice, emerging as a meditation on our profound entanglement as companions with the Earth’s water-cycles.
In the Grey Street Gallery, experience artist books that invite touch, smell, sight, and sound. In the White Box Gallery on Level 4, explore flood companion books created from paper rescued after the 2022 Northern Rivers floods, frozen in ice as a metaphor for glacial melt and extreme weather.
A daily ritual with the ice books welcomes visitors to join as companion thinkers with water, in a continuing act of reflection and response.
Opening Event: 5pm on Thursday, 28th November
Location: Grey Street Gallery & White Box | Queensland College of Art and Design, Griffith University, 226 Grey Street, South Bank,
Opening Hours: 10am to 4pm, Tuesday – Saturday | Special opening hours 2pm – 7pm on Sunday 1 December.
Daily Water Ritual: 10.30am (2.30pm on 1 December)