Festival Belluard Bollwerk International and Migros Culture Percentage are looking for new or nascent artistic projects happening in unexpected places.
The selected projects will be realized at specific or unspecific in- or outdoor spaces in the city, in the countryside or in the nature. The inner space of the Belluard fortress is not available this year. All forms of artistic expression will be considered. The more interdisciplinary the better!
An international jury will select the projects that will receive a production grant of between CHF 2.000 and CHF 12.000. These will then be produced within the framework of the Belluard Festival 2017 (22nd June to 1st July 2017) in Fribourg, Switzerland.
Applications shall be accepted from interdisciplinary artists and practitioners from other fields – citizens of Fribourg or the rest of the world, individuals or groups – submitting performative or installative projects or interventions within the formal frame.
Deadline for submissions: 11th December 2016.
Only complete applications sent by email to call2017@belluard.ch will be accepted. Please consider the conditions of participation.
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