baldhip magazine is an online quarterly out of Canada which publishes a range of poetry and visual arts, focusing on experimental forms, interactions with new media, and diverse creators. baldhip is committed to publishing a minimum of 50% female-identified artists per issue.
we have no required thematic or technical aspects for the work. we accept everything – from traditional watercolours to knitting to sculpture to gifs. the only limitation is that all work submitted needs to be able to be hosted online.
our next issue is out in January. we take submissions on a rolling basis, but the deadline to be considered for January’s issue is 15 December.
submissions can be directed to we ask you send no more than 5 pages/pieces. please do not attach links to online portfolios, but select 5 pages/pieces and add them as an attachment. include the titles of the pieces in your email, as well as a brief bio.
more details, the current issue, and past issues are at
for more information, please find us on twitter @baldhipmag or email us at
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