BLEACH* Festival 2022

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Welcome to BLEACH* 2022.

We’ve been busy weaving together stories that traverse the coastline; stories that invite us into our neighbours’ lives; and stories that celebrate our place, the Gold Coast, with grand spectacle and intimate moments that underscore our global connectedness.

BLEACH* has always championed investment in new work, and this year is no different. We’re proud to support the creation of 14 new works which will premiere as part of the Festival. Making new work is simultaneously thrilling and risky and we hope you join us for the ride.

We invite you to travel the world with us and Opera Queensland in our Home Grown Opera; have your appetite satiated with delights and delectables from the kitchen of Quandamooka chef Kieron Anderson; or be moved by the hyper-cool RADIAL, a short film made in collaboration with world renowned Back to Back Theatre and some of our region’s finest professional artists who live with disability.

And if you’d like to get closer to artistic practice, or you’re curious about artistic process, then head to our North Burleigh Hub from mid-July where you can meet six groups of artists working on new works that will premiere during the Festival.

I’ve skimmed the surface of what’s on offer this year and invite you to dive into the website and choose your own BLEACH* 2022 adventure.

Thank you to the City of Gold Coast for their continued support for BLEACH*, this Festival would not be possible without the City’s leaders’ commitment to arts and culture. And thank you to the Queensland Government for their continued recognition and to all our valued and valuable partners.

The BLEACH* team are a passionate, clever, savvy bunch of locals who love this city and together we have delighted in creating this Festival for you.

Rosie D.
BLEACH* Artistic Director and CEO of Placemakers* Gold Coast

Image: demi-DEMO