WHERE : Youth Arts Queensland
Are you a young creative looking to make your next move?
Whether you’re just getting started or need support taking your creative project or career to the next level, Youth Arts Queensland can help. Musicians, visual artists, dancers, zine makers, crafters, filmmakers, event organisers, community artsworkers, writers, theatre makers, circus performers, sound or lighting designers/operators, VJs/DJs, bloggers and other creative types get support from us every week.
If you’re aged between 14 and 30 and live anywhere in Queensland, YAQ can help you out with;
•regular news updates to keep you posted on upcoming opportunities and events,
•advice on building a career in the arts or finding the next level of opportunity,
•help with planning your next project or problem solving during a project,
•support in editing grant applications, resumes or job applications,
•advice on making the right kind of professional connections,
•online fact sheets and resources you can access 24/7,
•online profiling opportunities such as our Young People Creating Queensland website, and
•information about our mentoring and training programs or work experience offers.