churchie national emerging art prize 2018

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Established in 1987 the churchie national emerging art prize is a highly regarded emerging art prize dedicated to innovation and excellence across contemporary, traditional and new media genres. Artists from all Australian states and territories are selected as finalists for the exhibition in a professional public gallery space. The overall winner is rewarded a $15,000 cash prize donated by long time sponsors Brand+Slater Architects.

‘the churchie’ Committee and QUT Art Museum today announced the finalists for the churchie national emerging art prize 2018. From over 1000 individual artworks submitted, 35 artists, crossing a broad range of disciplines, have been selected as the nation’s top emerging visual artists.

The 2018 Finalists are:

1. Hailey Atkins (QLD)
2. Kelly Austin (TAS)
3. Priscilla Beck (TAS)
4. Harriet Body (NSW)
5. Sundari Carmody (SA)
6. Gregory Carosi  (NSW)
7. Ellie Chalmers-Robinson (VIC)
8. Nancy Constandelia (NSW)
9. Jackson Farley (NSW)
10. Rebecca Gallo (NSW)
11. Caroline Gasteen (QLD)
12. Eileen Giles (NT)
13. Louise Gresswell (VIC)
14. Tjukupati James (NT)
15. Laura E. Kennedy (TAS)
16. Kenneth Lambert (NSW)
17. Kim Leutwyler (NSW)
18. Kannitha Ly  (QLD)
19. Annie Macindoe  (QLD)
20. Matthew McAlpine (WA)
21. Will Nolan (SA)
22. Jimmy Nuttall (VIC)
23. Luke O’Connor (NSW)
24. Parallel Park (QLD)
25. Sophie Penkethman-Young (NSW)
26. Marikit Santiago (NSW)
27. Nick Santoro (NSW)
28. Rebecca Selleck (ACT)
29. Ronda Sharpe (QLD)
30. Sancintya Mohini Simpson (QLD)
31. Kevina-Jo Smith (NSW)
32. Anne Stevens (SA)
33. Chris Twiney (NSW)
34. Henry Jock Walker and Scott Pyle (SA)
35. Min Wong (SA)

The 2018 pre-selection panel consisted of Katherine Dionysius (QUT Art Museum Assistant Curator), Dr Chris Bennie (visual artist and lecturer at QCA Griffith University), Leah King-Smith (visual artist and lecturer in the School of Creative Practice QUT), and Vicky Leighton (Head of Art at Churchie).

Katherine Dionysius comments, “One of the great things about this prize is that entries are not restricted by medium or subject matter, and we are excited that the finalists this year represent a diverse cross-section of emerging art practices in Australia. The work includes explorations of culture, identity and the environment – from the playful to the powerful and deeply personal – as well as vibrant investigations into form and colour, and thoughtful meditations on surface and materiality.”

The 2018 prize winners will be determined by guest judge Lisa Havilah, director of Carriageworks, Sydney. The Major Prize and three Commendations will be announced at the official opening of the exhibition, open to the public, at QUT Art Museum on Friday 7 September 6 to 8 pm. The exhibition will remain open until 4 November and will feature artworks from each of the 35 finalists.

The overall prize winner will be awarded a $15,000 non-acquisitive cash prize sponsored by long-time supporters of ‘the churchie’, Brand + Slater Architects, along with two Commendation Prizes of $1,000 each (sponsored by Madison Cleaning and Painting Services) and a Highly Commended Prize of $5,000 (sponsored by NK Orthodontist). An inaugural People’s Choice Award of $3,000 (sponsored by Rob Whiteley of Madison Cleaning Services) will be awarded following the completion of the exhibition.

For more information, please visit the website –

Image: 2017 Finalist Claire Robertson, Above & Below (still) 2017, two-channel HD video installation, 16:9, colour, stereo. Edition 1/3. Made in collaboration with Jasmine Robertson

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