The Stone Age was characterised by the use of stone technologies, Bronze by the use of Bronze and Iron the use of Iron. Today we are living in the Plastic Age.
An age of disposable and temporary. An age where Water, the very substance which connects us most to the world, running within us and around us, connecting us to one another, to the earth and to history is contained and controlled by Plastic.
Water, undeniably the most powerful force on this earth, is controlled now more than ever by man. But what then is Man controlled by? I
da Arts Collective and Anywhere Festival invite you to enter the world of Das Wasser (The Water). A world where performers and audience members alike are urged to touch, taste, smell and gaze upon the elaborate interplay of plastic and water in a gallery space like no other.
Ida Arts Collective presents ‘Das Wasser’ a gallery space at 29 Vulture St. West End open to the public for $6-12 from 6-10pm 21-24 May and 11am-2pm 23/24 May for audiences of all ages.