DEBRIS Issue 02

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Deadline:10th January, 2022

DEBRIS is now calling for pitches for Issue 02— Hospitality, guest edited by Alana Lentin, Anne-Marie Te Whiu and Anna Yeon.

Contributors are invited to interrogate the theme of hospitality from all its angles: the relationship between hospitality and inhospitableness, between being a host and being welcomed or shunned—and others we are yet to discover.

What does accommodation look like in the settler colony? What does it mean to be a host on stolen land when sovereignty, though never ceded, is frontally attacked by a settler state that exports inhospitableness—in the guise of border control—around the world? What relations of power come to the surface when we interrogate the delicate balance between host and guest? Who can extend welcome?

How did hospitality become a euphemism for an industry that is precarious and exploitative, one which during the Covid-19 pandemic, became inhospitable to those who rely on it to keep the wolves from the door?

The meaning of hospitality is expansive. The editors invite exploration of this theme through fiction, poetry, prose and graphic art. We especially welcome work from unpublished writers or those less heard from.

Rate of pay
All contributors are paid. Rates vary from $150 – $500 depending on the scope of the commission.

January 10, 2022, 11:59 pm AEST.

You will be notified of the outcome of your pitch by January 24, 2022.

It is important to us that we facilitate positive and just experiences for all contributors to DEBRIS. We are happy to answer any questions through this process.

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