This month in CARPARK we are presenting an exhibition by Ensayos, a nomadic collective research program initiated in Tierra del Fuego in 2010. The artists, scientists and scholars who partake in Ensayos meet intermittently to cross-pollinate and share their experiences on archipelagic intersections of identity, history, geography, language and law. In the weeks leading up to Everything is possibly an oracle, Caitlin Franzmann (lead of the Australia research pod), Christy Gast (lead of the New York research pod) and Camila Marambio (founder of Ensayos), along with Sarita Gálvez and Carla Macchiavello (also of Ensayos) spent time on the isles of Minjerribah and Canaipa. This exhibition presents video, sound and sculptural works from this field trip, alongside work from previous trips.
IMAGE: Ensayos Magnifying Feeling, Canaipa research image 2019