Exhibition Proposal’s: Blindeside 2016

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Deadline:15th May, 2015

BLINDSIDE is calling for proposals from artists and curators—emerging and established—local, interstate and international—solo or collaborative. We welcome proposals by practitioners working in all fields of creative endeavour, from painting to sound to somewhere in between.

BLINDSIDE welcomes proposals from artists, collectives and curators for solo and group exhibitions and performances across one or both gallery spaces. Alternatively, we welcome artists and curators to contact us to discuss exhibition ideas that are still in the planning stages. BLINDSIDE will assist artists and curators to seek funding and sponsorship and we help provide advice and letters of support.

BLINDSIDE doesn’t wish to discriminate against anybody. Artists who have difficulties with written English or access to computers etc are welcome to contact the gallery and make an appointment to discuss their proposal in person.

BLINDSIDE does an annual call-out for exhibition proposals from artists and curators—emerging and established—local, interstate and international—solo or collaborative. Art practice is different for everyone and we are determined to support it all, from painting to sound to somewhere in-between.

Please contact BLINDSIDE if you have any questions about proposals.

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