Fraction Magazine

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Fraction Magazine is an online venue dedicated to fine art, contemporary photography and brings together diverse bodies of work by established and emerging artists from around the globe. Fraction is published on a monthly basis, and has shown portfolios from more than 300 photographers.

The concept of Fraction was born in 2007 on Route 66 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The first issue went live in May 2008, and featured four New Mexican artists.  Without any advertising and just an announcement through social media, the Fraction website got thousands of hits.  Within days, the issue was viewed by people in 11 countries.  The second issue went live July 2008, and the audience and the traffic continued to grow.  With that growth came a widening of the scope of the magazine to include artists from outside the region and then outside the United States.

Fraction Magazine began as a way to showcase photography that deserved to be seen and perhaps was not getting exposure, and that impulse still guides the selection of every photographer featured.  Fraction challenges viewers to look beyond the single image and explore each photographer’s vision and story by viewing full portfolios of photographs.

Fraction Magazine: Call Out

Fraction Magazine is looking for work that is strong and unique, brings something new to the photographic community, is immediately ready for promotion, and has a tight and cohesive edit.

For more information please visit the – Website

Image: Photograph by Niki Boon, featured in Issue 82

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