BUSYBRICK presents its November show IMPOSTOR SYNDROME featuring Jenna Green, Judy-Ann Moule, Lachlan Graves, Tristan Eyles, Catherine & Oak, Tricia Hatch and Amanda Wolf.
Impostor syndrome is described as ‘referring to high achieving individuals marked by an inability to internalise their accomplishments and a persistent fear of being exposed as a ‘fraud’.’
The mode of faking it til you make it and not ascribing yourself validation is a phenomenon that most individuals can relate to and which people within the creative arts especially find hard to measure or realise. BUSYBRICK presents IMPOSTOR SYNDROME as a vehicle to speak of what an impostor syndrome may be and showcase the moments and emotions surrounding it and includes ideas on vulnerability, fear, struggle, self-awareness, humour, self-worth and talks to notions of courage, change, success, fight and personal belief.
Busybrick ARI Address:Â 5 Harwill St, Coorparoo, Brisbane, 4151.