WHEN : Until 28th July
WHERE : Edwina Corlette Gallery
My current paintings explore the subtle beauty of colours present in the remnant native flora of the coastal areas of southeast Queensland.
I have long been moved by the delicate muted tones of coastal wallum scrub and the dark luminosity of forest floors in our sub-tropical rainforests. From the first European arrivals to the current day, our collective relationship to this landscape is exemplified by our determination to alter it to represent faraway exotic places.
As I pass through the lime green nitrogenated lawns and fluoro coloured exotics of Sunshine Coast suburbia, I eventually reach the outskirts to the where the muted tones and subtle beauty of remnant bush offer soothing relief.
Our inability to appreciate and cherish the unique beauty of this place, allows us to push and carve back into it, making way for further suburban development, leaving token remnants for keepsake and native plantings along median strips and on roundabouts for effect.
In my series on Banksia Integrafolia, I delight in the exquisite palate of the coastal flora. Looking up at the heavenly silver-grey foliage, I am reminded of the luminous underbellies of Tiepolo’s clouds and cupids.
Always with secateurs in hand I take cuttings home to my studio where I work from the foliage referring to the light blues of early morning sky. I use a golden yellow base to create luminosity in the overlays of paint.
Image : Judith Sinnamon – BANKSIA INTEGRIFOLIA LEAF WHORLS #3 2012
Text : Edwina Corlette Gallery, 2012