“The difficulty in painting has always included the transformation of pigment into light, and in these works the artist has shaped and balanced the colour so that the image lives in the mind. They are paintings that have begun from nature, from wild flowers that have grown in the Wallum country of the North Coast. These flowers struggling to live in the pale sand are transcended into worlds of great beauty.
June has found these worlds. They do not exist for her until she found them and reorganized them in her paintings. In solitude they had to be caressed until they took form and in taking form they also began to represent what is sacred and ideal, those things that have become lost in the contemporary world.
In William Blake’s Europe he asks a spirit ‘if the material world is dead’ and he is then shown another image of the true world where ‘each eternal flower’ lives and where ‘there are jewels of light’. Is this not the world of June Tupicoff’s paintings?”
William Robinson, 2006