‘Location, location, location’ seeks to challenge the persisting associations of the urban as a place of centrality by superimposing it with critical reflections on positionality. By harnessing the immovable concrete structure of the Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts, artists were invited to map out their psychogeographical coordinates onto its public-facing façade. As a result, the projections explore the myriad physical, spiritual, and political landscapes we choose or are forced to inhabit and that shape our own unique sense of location or locus.
Each artist’s work will be presented for two weeks, commencing 14 May with Lucy Nguyễn-Hunt’s work ‘things I can’t say / những điều tôi không thể nói’ 2021.
Artists: Lucy Nguyễn-Hunt, Erin Dunne, Lacey-Law-Lobwein, Chris Bassi, Catriona Drummond, Lisa Kurtz, Judy Watson, Justene Williams, Bella Deary, Dylan Mooney, Max Athens, and more.
Curated by Alice Rezende
Where: JWAC Facade
When: 14 May – 31 October, 2021
Every night, dusk until late
When: 14 May – 31 October, 2021
Every night, dusk until late
Image credit: Lucy Nguyễn-Hunt, things I can’t say / những điều tôi không thể nói 2021 (still). Courtesy the artist. Translation acknowledgements: Ashley Van, Linda Nguyễn, Tram Phan, Trí Thanh Nguyễn, Vân Nguyễn-Hunt and Joyce Junxi Cheng.