Please join us for the opening of Lyndal Hargrave’s first exhibition with Edwina Corlette Gallery Saturday, 13 February, at 2pm.
‘New Geometricks’ manifests as complex geometrically inspired paintings and modular, wall based sculptures. Residing between art, science and mathematics, Lyndal is inspired by the patterns that underpin the chaos of life. “My attention is drawn to order and variation within this structure – from the nestled hexagons of a beehive to the microscopic grandeur of a butterfly’s wing.”
Engrossed in process, Hargrave is drawn to abstract pursuits of light and shade, tone, colour and form. Symbolism and meaning hover in the wings of her practice to be shared by the viewer and the creator. “My goal is to surprise and engage the mind and heighten emotions by seducing the eye. Toward that end I rely on geometric pattern. Within the confines of geometry is a universality so vast and abstract it contains immense freedom.”