Darkly humorous and provocatively satirical, Cake Industries’ performative mechatronic sculptures construct anachronistic narratives to reveal the struggles and absurdities of modern life. Machination is a collection of their most recent works that marks a new direction in their ever-evolving practice. Their adoption of human/object hybrid forms combined with collaged archival video and sound helps forge a surreal world that offers a new perspective on our own world.
Included are works from Cake Industries’ recently completed Voyages project. Based on the history, essence and cultural impact of historic amusement park Luna Park, Melbourne, the project featured a series of surreal public mechatronic sculptural incursions inside the grounds, exploring alternate realities and suspensions of disbelief.
Regional Victorian based experimental artist duo Jesse Stevens & Dean Petersen have worked together since 2006 as permanent collaboration Cake Industries.
Cake Industries (Jesse Stevens & Dean Petersen) King 2017 . Created as part of the ‘Voyages’ series.