Childhood is synonymous with imagination, play and curiosity, yet as we age these qualities dissipate. I Remember You is a body of work devoted to this inimitable period of innocence, freedom, and naivety.
A time when the schoolyard felt expansive, skin was flawless, hearts had not yet been broken, remembering the times tables was a high priority, and the existence of the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny seemed completely plausible.
Young children often lack the inhibitions and anxieties that can cripple us as adults. These works depict uninhibited play with a sense of fearlessness and blissful optimism shown through ill-fitting homemade costumes, haphazard dance performances, and precarious outdoor fun.
The works celebrate this precious and carefree initial stage of life before we are shaped, refined, influenced, and often, damaged from traversing adolescence and adulthood.
Tweedie has been working as an artist full time since 2013. Recent career highlights include being a finalist in the Sunshine Coast Art Prize (2019) at Caloundra Regional Gallery and undertaking a residency in Glaziers Bay, Tasmania
(2018). He was also the inaugural winner of the 2016 Tony Fini Foundation Artist Prize at the Art Gallery of Western Australia’s Black Swan Prize, and has been a finalist in the Kilgour Prize (2014, 2017, 2018) at Newcastle Art Gallery.
To view the exhibition, please click HERE