Meagan Streader is a Brisbane artist currently residing in Melbourne. Constructing site-specific installations, Streader draws visual cues from futuristic and natural atmospheres and systems to engulf the viewer in a sensory experience. Through multifaceted transformations her artworks redefine conventional spaces, objects, and materials. Employing the repetition and replication of light, form, and textiles en masse, her works are realised through the construction of installations, sculpture, video, and soundscapes.
Streader’s recent explorations push the limits of light within sculpture and installation through reinterpretations and extensions of surrounding spaces. Considering sites in their past, present, and future states she investigates the interplay between light, line, and form. These works visualise immersive cyberspaces through the appropriation of architectural and spatial details.
Artist Wesbite –
Image: W-INTER (2016). Photo by Louis Lim