Muswellbrook Art Prize

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Deadline:31st January, 2021

The Muswellbrook Art Prize is an acquisitive art competition held anually. This competition is launched early in the year, with entry forms usually becoming available towards the end of the previous year.

We recommend you subscribe to the Art Centre’s Email newsletter, or follow us on Facebook for announcements of the Muswellbrook Art Prize competition launch.


Acquisitive prize $50,000; for a two dimensional painting of any subject in any medium.

Works on Paper

Acquisitive prize $10,000: for a work on paper of any subject in any medium excluding photography.


Acquisitive prize $10,000: for a ceramic work of any subject.

People’s Choice

Non-Acquisitive prize $1,000. Voting takes place during the finalists exhibition, and the winner is announced online.

View information about our next Muswellbrook Art Prize here.


Image: Gleghorn Thomas’ “Death of Voss”, 1958 oil on hardboard. Muswellbrook Shire Art Collection Winner Muswellbrook Open Art Prize 1958.

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