Join feminist art historian Louise Mayhew and artists Jill Orr, Francesca da Rimini (VNS Matrix) and Jay Younger in a discussion inspired by exhibition themes of self-representation, (cyber)feminism and materiality / technology.
Presented in association with the exhibition ‘Dark Rooms: Women Directing the Lens 1978-98’, Griffith University Art Museum, Brisbane.
Louise R Mayhew is an Australian feminist art historian and Foundation Art Theory Convenor at QCA. Mayhew’s research interests include women’s art collectives and collaboration, feminist critiques of relational aesthetics and art in the age of the Selfie.
Jill Orr has delighted, shocked and moved audiences through her performance installations which she has presented nationally and internationally from the late 1970s to now. Orr grapples with the balance and discord that exists at the heart of relations between the human spirit, art and nature.
Francesca da Rimini is an artist, writer, performer, and co-founder of VNS Matrix. Her practice oscillates between solo and collaborative experiments. Recent work, includingdelighted by the spectacle, hexecutable, songs for skinwalking the drone, and lips becoming beaks combine rule-driven poetry, fugue states and prophesies, producing hexes against Capital.
Jay Younger’s artworks take form as installation and photomedia. She has combined artistic, curatorial, and academic roles within the visual arts and is Professor at Queensland College of Art. Her photographic work has been included in national survey exhibitions and are represented in major public collections throughout Australia and overseas.