Prize for net-based art

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Deadline:8th January, 2016

The Swiss Art Magazine Kunstbulletin and HeK (House of Electronic Arts Basel) are pleased to announce the establishment of a new prize, ‹net based›, for net-based art, with prize money amounting to CHF 10,000.

Based on the model of large international prizes for digital art, such as ‹The Lumen Prize› by Lumen Projects Ltd. In Wales, UK, or the ‹Prix Net Art›, that was the first time awarded in 2014 by the Online platform Rhizome and the Tsinghua Art and Science Media Laboratory (TASML) in Bejing, this new Swiss prize aims to draw attention to the Internet as a platform for artistic activities and to make innovative web-based projects or projects inspired by the Internet accessible to a broader public; at the same time, it aims to raise the visibility of the Swiss scene in this genre, and promote international exchange.

A young generation of artists has grown up with the Internet and in a digital culture; they use these tools quite naturally in their work, as sources of inspiration and material, and as a venue for art. It is to the Internet as the site for art production and as a medium for distribution that the new prize, ‹net based›, is dedicated.

The prize aims to promote net based art and innovative net culture. The prize will be advertised internationally and focuses on current artistic works on the Internet as well as projects that take their starting point on the Internet, even when the outcome or effects are not necessarily located in the web. One can submit projects completed within the last four years.

The prize is oriented towards a local as well as internationally scene of artists, that use the Internet for their artistic practice. There is no age limit. Any artist or group of artists may submit a project that is not older than four years.

Submissions must include a completed registration form, including a description of the work; images; biographical information; links to existing work; and any other relevant information.

For more information please visit the – Website

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