Repurposed Magazine: Call Out

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Deadline:30th January, 2016


Issue Three of Repurposed will be themed around engagements with spatial appropriation. I think about how we perceive ownership of space, personal, civic, etc. and then am confronted, almost daily, with ways in which that ownership or even the notion of ownership has been challenged, confronted or merely highlighted. Any and all of these are ways in which to enter the particular space I wish to inhabit for Issue Three, I am certain there are many other ways as well. As always this call-out is open to interpretation, but remember that this magazine has a mandate, art from repurposed materials, so please read our guidelines below before submitting.

**With all submissions please include a cover letter with description of the work and how it suits the mandate of both issue and magazine as well an artist’s/writer’s  bio. **

Repurposed is interested in art that engages with repurposed themes and items. That’s the most important thing, so the following guidelines are just that: guidelines. We will consider work that falls outside of these specifications, if they suit the spirit of Repurposed.


For more information please visit the – Website


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