Whenever I step away from the imperious forces and influences of centuries-old, colonialist-based assimilative practices, I find I’m able to express my relationship to my heritage and history. I feel it is important and necessary to look beneath the illogical façade of cover ups and historical blindness.
Precisely programmable machines and devices interacting with earth, stone and water create disruptions and contradictions and can provide ways to remember to un-forget the past.
Robert Andrew is a descendant of Yawuru people from the Broome area in the Kimberley, Western Australia. His work emerges from a need to address the disruptions and corruptions that colonialism has brought to him and his family, using refined mechanical logic to erode and expose assimilation-based cover ups. In Disruptive (Ill) Logic Robert Andrew’s work will use additive and reductive processes to both mark and erode the gallery site.
OPENING- Tuesday 14 November 2017, 6PM
ARTIST TALK – Wednesday 22 November 2017, 6PM
GALLERY OPEN – Monday to Friday 10am-4pm, Saturday 2pm-4pm.