Synth – Swap – Hack

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Deadline: 17 March

Oh come all ye faithful hardware hackers, wigglers, synth and circuit-bending enthusiasts. This is chance to break out your hardware drawer contents, and bring things that you’d like to swap, sell (hated or broken modules are welcome!), hack/circuit-bend or even some primo things that aren’t quite working with your massive synth or sonic system!
This is part of Timothy Tate’s solo show Disrupted Materiality, which brings together his work with circuit-bending, hardware hacking and features his DIY modular video and sonic setup, tied together by obsolete media and technology. Come and check out his array of stuff and pick his brains on how you could hack/circuit-bend your own stuff.
There will be some performances later on (Acts – TBC), so stay on for an evening of sonic exploration.
All levels of synth and video enthusiasts are welcome.
No prerequisites or booking required.
Event: 17th March, 2pm

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