The Writing Project- National Call for Applications

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DEADLINE : 30th June

FELTspace ARI is pleased to invite applications from emerging artists, writers, designers and curators nationwide for The Writing Project, an exciting, collaborative, trans-disciplinary experimentation around arts writing.

Running through 2012 and early 2013, this is a rare opportunity for emerging practitioners to work collaboratively and across disciplines producing new work.

Applicants are asked to apply within a team of four comprised of a writer, an artist, a curator and a designer. The four successful teams will receive funding towards the production costs of each project and artist payment.

Encouraging experimentation and stretching the physical and conceptual limits of arts writing, each project may manifest itself in a writing based form such as artist book, zine, exhibition, online, limited edition print, paste-up, album, video, installation or performance. The material outcome is at each team’s discretion but must be arts writing based.

All applicants will be notified on Monday the 16 July 2012, with projects commencing from this date and running concurrently. The projects will be launched in conjunction with the exhibition program at FELTspace, Adelaide.

For more information and to download a PDF application pack

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