The Yapang Emerging Art Prize

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Deadline:22nd October, 2021

The yapang Emerging Art Prize is an acquisitive art prize developed to celebrate, promote and support emerging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists from across the country. Contending artworks will reflect each artists practice across all media and can take any form, including (without limitation) sculpture, painting, drawing, photography, installation, sound digital, net or live art etc.

Lake Macquarie City Council and Create NSW have committed $15,000 to purchase the winning and highly commended works for the MAC yapang collection. The biennial prize will be showcased with a finalist exhibition at the Museum of Art and Culture yapang on Awabakal Country in Lake Macquarie NSW.

In addition to the great appeal of the finalist exhibition, this major acquisitive prize will signal ongoing development of MAC yapang’s collection, as an exhibition resource and community cultural asset. Through the yapang Emerging Art Prize, Lake Macquarie City acknowledges the vital role played by the Arts in the broader community and the importance in celebrating and supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait and Islander artists.

For more information and to apply visit

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