The work explores concepts and representations of femininity within Japanese popular culture and how these ideologies are rejected through contemporary sub-cultures. Inspired by assertions of individuality through fashion and behaviour, and the way this continues to fuel a sense of subversion to mainstream popular culture in Japan.
Inspired by expressive street fashion, the representations of female sexuality, femininity, the “kawaii” (cute) and Lolita movements and how these components, thoughts, practices and ideologies influence and subvert each other; in GYARU Tiffany Atkin has compiled a body of work culminating from many years of ideas, adventures, life-lessons, late nights, growth, discovery, loves, losses and a heart-felt respect for a land + culture so significant to her journey as an artist and human.
OPENING NIGHT: Thursday 5th of FEB – 5:00 – 7:00pm
Supported by Lust for Life, iro iro POP!, Harajuku Gyoza, 4 Pines Brewing Company, Maiocchi + Takara Gallery Workroom (Japan)