Assuming a Surface expands upon James Barth’s and Tyza Stewart’s existing painting and image making practices. Both artists produce ongoing series of self portraits that critique constructions of (trans)gender narratives, visibility and image production. Their joint exhibition arose from a desire to consider more abstract and non-figurative aspects of their respective practices; to seek open-ended, non-prescriptive ways of addressing these ideas. Barth and Stewart have foregone conventional methods of painting to produce an exhibition that speaks to the functions of painting as a representational tool. Though neither artist shies from the expectations of painting, in Assuming A Surface the medium is exposed. Because of the reductive nature of representation in conventional painting practice Barth and Stewart have manifested works that transcend formalist fixations on aesthetics; they infer a greater significance than just their surface and decline to be categorised by declarative readings. This is a show absent of conventional representation and absent of resolution. Their pursuit of alternative surfaces and extension of their medium attempts to relinquish their image from representational dogma. By creating new methods of painting in Assuming A Surface, Barth and Stewart eliminate the need to rely on pre-existing binaries and establish a more equitable discourse that can accommodate practices outside of the accepted canon.
Opening event: Saturday 1 June, 5-8pm
Round Table on Contemporary Painting: Sunday 30 June, time TBC
The first iteration of this exhibition occurred at Outer Space Artist Run Initiative in Brisbane, in 2018.
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