un Magazine 14.1: Inviting Proposals

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Deadline:1st December, 2019

un Projects is now calling for proposals for un Magazine 14.2, co-edited by Rosie Isaac and Elena Gomez, to be published May 2020.

Care is effort. It is a loaded word. Attention — to one’s artistic practice, to reading — requires care, as does our navigation of the world and our relationships within it. But care is also political, racialised and gendered. What does care look like? As artists, how do we care for and about practice? In this issue of un Magazine, we want to push at the corners of this concept. Care as solidarity; the politics of care. We want to trouble the relationship between care and empathy and innocence. What are the preconditions of care: who is and who is not deserving of it?

In order to explore and expand the many facets and inflections of care in contemporary society, we are seeking submissions of visual art, essays, reviews and critical responses to artworks that approach concepts of care. We are especially seeking submissions that consider concepts of care through the lens of artistic practice, but we encourage artists and writers to consider this theme openly and generously. We welcome writing across all forms and styles — essays can be theoretical/academic, experimental or reflective in their consideration of practice. We seek a wide range of voices and ideas.

Some potential prompting questions might include, but are not limited to:

  • What is the relationship between care and meaning-making?
  • What are the darker sides of care? (When does care become patronising or paternalistic?)
  • What transforms care beyond sentiment?
  • How do care and obligation, or care and belief, work together, or complicate each other?
  • How does care traverse the conditions of production as well as the aesthetic purpose of art?

Note for artists page submissions: In 2020 the magazine will be shifting toward black and white printing and artist page submissions will need to take this into consideration. Artists are encouraged to contact us for further clarification.


un Magazine publishes essays, interviews, artworks, creative commentary, audio and video works, and everything in between. We are open to experimental approaches within printed and online formats. All contributors are paid, with rates varying from $150 – $350. To submit your proposal, download and complete the following application form.

un Magazine hopes to publish a diverse range of voices. We always encourage submissions from writers and artists who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, as First Nations, as queer and/or trans, as having a disability, people of colour, and people of all genders.

Questions? Email un Projects General Manager Sarah Gory on sarahgory[at]unprojects.org.au

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