The Young Artist Award is an initiative of RQAS Brisbane and is open to all Queensland residents aged 17 to 30. This Biennial exhibition will be held at Petrie Terrace Gallery following the Queensland Figurative Art Prize. The award is designed to encourage and support young artists in the pursuit of excellence.
RQAS promotes engagement with schools, tertiary institutions, art colleges and organisations, galleries and the general community in bringing this Award Exhibition to the notice of young artists.
Young artists are invited to submit 2D artworks in the categories of Painting and Drawing of a subject created and “observed from life”. Subject, genre, stylistic approach and medium are of the artist’s choice.
Artists may submit up to two works (digital images) for pre-selection together with a brief artist statement and biography for the entry fee of $33. Selected finalists will be required to frame their work.
All entrants will be granted RQAS Membership for 1 year.
First Prize $1500 | Second Prize $500
For more information please visit the – Website