Amaterasu – Japanese Sun Goddess
The alternation of the seasons and dark and light were attributed to part of Amaterasu’s story which bears similarities to the story of Demeter and Persehone.
Upset by an insult from her brother, Amaterasu hid herself away in a cave.
Soon the world grew cold and desolate and eventually the other gods entreated with her to return to the world which she refused to do.
Then one of the deities had an idea and she suggested that they hold a party outside the cave and entice her out with laughter, dancing and singing.
Additionally, they hung a necklace of pearls (the future Japan) and a mirror in a tree outside the caves entrance.
When the curious Amaterasu peaked out to observe the festivities she caught a glimpse of her own image in the mirror and fascinated by the sight emerged from the cave and light returned to the world.
Image: Amaterasu (Day and Night Series) Linocut on Magnani Incisioni 310gsm 40 x 40cm image 30 x 30cm
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