Unspecified Soilings is a series of events at a green space in Kelvin Grove facilitated by Kate Woodcroft and Caitlin Franzmann. The project explores the causal links between soil health and human health.
Unspecified Soilings #1, involved a meditation for a group of soil curious folks, a journeying through the layered histories of the area. We also talked about the dangers and promise of digging as a practical and metaphorical exercise. To close, we ‘folded’ the soil in preparation for Unspecified Soilings #2.
Art in Soil is an initiative by the Queensland Branch of Soil Science Australia. Both art and science are carried out as cultural acts valuing their environments and creativity, harnessing sense, and seeking to provide change via abstract models of our world. Art in Soil follows 6 artists/collectives over six months as they create artwork inspired by soil. The project invites people to become curious and explore the world of soils. Dirt is often associated with negative experiences, but this couldn’t be more wrong; without dirt, there would not be life.