WHEN : 8th – 10th November
WHERE : 17 Macarthur Avenue, Hamilton
Proudly presented by The Hold Artspace as part of the 2013 Northshore Containerval Festival. ‘Crossing Borders: video art, place and identity’ will convert a commercial shipping container into a video screening room showing works by seven video artists:
Chris Bennie
David Creed & David Spooner
Bridie Gillman
Eric Rossi
Sancintya Simpson
Kylie Spear
The selection of video-works on display will address notions of travel, location, place and identity as a response to issues raised by the trends of globalisation. The artists included will explore globalisation’s effect on identity, diaspora, cultural narratives, desire and the movement of people. The use of a shipping container as a projection space references ideas related to international travel, and acts as a metaphorical vessel for the collection and containment of experiences and memories. While some of these artists have used their immediate environment as the basis for their work, others have drawn from perspectives and sites overseas. By bringing these works together within this projection space, audiences will gain insight into the wide variety of perspectives and identities that make up our international community.
You can see these works during the second weekend of the festival:
Friday 8th November: 5.30pm – 10pm
Saturday 9th November: 10am – 10pm
Sunday 10th November: 10am – 5pm
Image : Bridie Gilman