1. Your new-found love of wool and weaving is pretty exciting. There’s so much to look at but also through. Like your collages there seems to be this reliance on outlines and block colouring, a phasing out of detail. These gaps and hollows between the strings and shapes make me think of guitar strings but also zooming in on clothing, couches and old school speakers, probably because you’ve also worked directly onto old school speakers and play the guitar. Is this ‘floating’ and heightened permeability of your weaving for this show a response to the room divider? Or are there other motivations at play?
Erika Scott, Interview excerpt, Aug 2020
A note on COVID-19
Please try to accurately RSVP to this event as there will be a maximum of 30 people on the premises at any one time. We have added a new event – Saturday afternoon drinks – so that there are more opportunities to meet the artist.
– Maximum of 4 people inside the gallery at any one time.
– We will be observing social distancing guidelines.
– We ask you to please provide your details and check-in upon arrival.
– And please stay home if you are feeling unwell.
OPENING Friday 9 October 6:00pm – 9:00pm
CONTINUES Saturday 10 October 11:00am – 5:00pm with AFTERNOON DRINKS 3:00 – 5:00pm