The recent residency at Side Gallery allows the artist in residence, Kate Barry, to expand and focus on her process-based experimental works. Kate’s signature mark-making process has previously centered on the painterly quality of the material, emphasizing the colour palettes inspired by nature and memory. In this instance, Kate uses the gallery as a new space to explore painting upright, with different tools and sizes of boards. During discussions about how the residency might play out, the intention was set to cut up the larger works on board to create multiple small iterations, an approach Kate hadn’t explored previously. The new works will form part of the development of Kate’s new processes to further develop her lyrical abstraction practice. The residency will close with the new body of work comprising of very large, framed works on canvas and board with smaller iterations, cut into multiple pieces.
Image: Peek (detail) — 2021 Oil on canvas, 90.1 x 182.5 cm