Unravel | Leigh Lynam – Webb Gallery
Unravel is an investigation into embracing decolonial methods. This installation adopts a socially responsive approach to disentangling post-colonial conventions of landscape art. Challenging uncomfortable traditions, the work subverts ideas of ‘capturing’ a landscape embarking instead on a deeper discovery.
This interrogative process explores respectful ways of unknowing and new knowing. The works interwoven layers of intuitive mark-making, erasing, staining, carving, and moulding with humble materials blurs hierarchies between the foundations of drawing, stature of painting, and tactility of sculpture. Inspired by phenomena of local bushlands, this reimagined landscape offers an immersive environment for reflection, reverence, and chance.
Equality and Respect | Stuart Meyer-Plath – Grey Street Gallery
This exhibition features limited fine art prints, silver jewellery and figurative male nude bronzes. Equality and Respect celebrates the theme of same-sex relationships and attraction as underpinned by the basic human right of Equality and Respect. The artist’s ongoing exploration of the issues of Equality and Respect stems from the series of political circumstances arising from the 2017 Marriage Equality plebiscite, Michaelia Cash’s vitriolic slurs against female political staffers and, the Joyce-Campion Affair with its hypocritical advocation of traditional family values.
As an artist who is in a same-sex relationship for over 23 years, Meyer-Plath has experienced a plethora of prejudice and discrimination from both the mainstream and LGBTQI+ communities due to his heteronormative and homosexual ‘lifestyle choices’.
Where: Webb & Grey Street Galleries, 226 Grey Street, South Bank, 4101
Opening Hours: 10am to 4pm, Tuesday-Saturday