Sunshine Coast Art Prize
27th August - 10th October
Caloundra Regional Gallery
The Sunshine Coast Art Prize is a dynamic visual arts award reflecting outstanding contemporary 2D arts practice in Australia. Now in its 16th year, this significant art award is the flagship event for the Sunshine Coast’s Regional Gallery in Caloundra, attracting entries from emerging and established artists across the nation.…
GOMA Talk: Why is everyone nude?
17th October, 10:30am - 11:30am
Virtual Talk
Confronting Contemporary Art Virtual Talk: Why is everyone nude? | 10.30am, Sat 17 Oct | Book now Contemporary art can sometimes be challenging, intriguing and confusing, but don’t let that intimidate you. In this 3-part virtual talk series, unpack the big ideas and ‘art speak’ behind contemporary artworks, including artworks…
Lucy Quinn: The Residue
16th August - 1st September
Outer Space
Drawing parallels between the degradation of the dying human body and the way sentimental objects shed meaning with time, Lucy Quinn’s ‘The Residue’ explores grief via objects and plants inherited due to her father’s passing. This new body of work translates these heirlooms into solemn reflections on the inevitable demise…
High Rotation
30th August - 19th April
Museum of Brisbane
Featuring highlights over the past 30 years, High Rotation will reveal a snapshot of how popular music in Brisbane exploded from the local scene onto national and international stages. Get a backstage pass to three epic decades of Brisbane’s incredible music scene from 1989 – 2019, as Museum of Brisbane’s High Rotation exhibition takes…
Platform 2014
14th - 30th August
Metro Arts
Platform 2014 brings together installation and large-scale artworks from early to mid-career Australian artists working in a diverse range of mediums. Artists include; Stephen Hart, Michael Doolan, Merete Megarrity and Gabrielle Courtenay. Stephen Hart’s work is often concerned with the human condition and our relation to the urban and built…
She Walks the Line
3rd November - 1st December
Fireworks Gallery
An exhibition featuring artists: Rosella Namok, Sharonne Solk, Yvonne Mills-Stanley. Rosella Mamok Rosella Mamok first appeared on the contemporary art scene in the late 1990s to become the most successful artist to come out of Far North Queensland’s renowned Lockhart River ‘Art Gang’. Her paintings revolve around several narratives relating…
Will Colenso: Proper Gander
Edwina Corlette Gallery
I think there’s a quiet comfort to be found in the way our memories fade over time. Recently, I’ve been spending a lot of time trying to find ways to interpret and record this wonderfully strange language of inaccuracies. Writing memories down seems to solidify them too much and strip…
1st Feb, 6:00 - 9:00
WHEN : 1st Feb, 6:00 – 9:00 WHERE : Jugglers Art Space An exposition of new work by artist Anthony Jigalin. ‘Paint Fast, Buy Young’
Julie Rees: A Series of Predicted Events and Peculiar Statements
5th -31st March
Artworld Studio Gallery
Conceptually driven, A Series of Predicted Events and Peculiar Statements (2017), draws inspiration from cassette and digital recordings of psychic readings held between 1993 and 2013. The works in this series offer allegorical interpretations of accurate predictions that came to fruition and statements that resonated with me. Highlighted predictions mark significant turning…
Lyndal Hargrave - 'Squared'
10th Aug — 8 Sept
WHEN : 10th Aug — 8 Sept WHERE : Spiro Grace Art Rooms Lyndal Hargrave is an Australian artist working in sculpture, installation and painting. Hargrave’s core practice exploits timber coat hangers as a sculptural material, reconfigured into complex open-weave forms. Using mundane found objects, Hargrave’s sculptures probe the possibility…
'you can do that, or what?'
11th May - 2nd June, Opening 11th May, 6.30 - 9.30pm
WHEN : 11th May – 2nd June, Opening 11th May, 6.30 – 9.30pm WHERE : Woolloongabba Art Gallery Marshall Bell’s latest exhibition links existing research on Gamilaroi artwith oral histories, demonstrating a continuity of practice extending back to old Gamil,a time before time itself began. The exhibition will be opened…
Paul Ryan: The Colonies, South By Southeast
22nd February - 16th March
Edwina Corlette Gallery
Paul Ryan knows how to move paint around. He can make a surface glossy or sculptural; as inviting as a lolly shop or scary as an Ozploitation horror movie. Sometimes both at once. Ryan’s skill with paint, and his interest in art historical subjects, can mislead the unsuspecting viewer. We…
Ben Quilty: Still life after the virus
27th October - 21st November
Jan Murphy Gallery
Jan Murphy Gallery is excited to present, Still life after the virus, the new solo exhibition by Ben Quilty. Quilty makes no fuss in selecting his objects, leaving the studio in search of ‘beauty’ was neither responsible, or, as it turns out, necessary. Multi-vitamins, disinfectant, clamps, wine glasses and pumpkins…
First Thursdays X MONO 35: Del Lumanta & Primitive Motion
7th November, 6:00 - 9:00pm
Institute of Modern Art
Join us for a special MONO edition of First Thursdays. Hear live sets from Sydney-based artist and musician Del Lumanta and Brisbane two-piece Primitive Motion at the IMA. Having performed at Dark Mofo, Vivid, Next Wave, Sydney Festival, and more, Del Lumanta’s experimental sounds “excavate corners of luminous sonic detail…
Addition #6
24th October, 6:00 - 8:00pm
WHEN : 24th October, 6:00 – 8:00pm WHERE : Addition Gallery The Addition Committee invites you and your friends to their last show of 2013. Addition # 6 is an exhibition in two parts. NAT KOYAMA LUCAS DAVIDSON Nat Koyama and Lucas Davidson employ the tension between still and moving…
Achim Weippert - Raw Textures
27th April 6:00 - 8:00pm
WHEN : 27th April 6:00 – 8:00pm WHERE : Doggett St Studio Achim is an abstract artist who moved to Brisbane from Johannesburg in 1997. Achim has a thirst for finding new and innovative ways of expressing his passion for the arts and continues to experiment with applying alternate mediums,…
Conversation & Screening: Water Mirrors
30th June, 4:00 - 6:00pm
Institute of Modern Art
Join the IMA for the event ‘Water Mirrors’ organised by Vivian Ziherl of Frontier Imaginaries in conjunction with the opening Karrabing Film Collective’s exhibition ‘The Mermaids: Mirror Worlds’ at the IMA. Moderated by Ziherl, the event will include contributions from artists Delvene Cockatoo-Collins, Karrabing Film Collective, and Rachel O’Reilly. Inspired by a…
SUPERCELL: Festival of Contemporary Dance
10th - 18th February
Bris Powerhouse & Judith Wright Centre
SUPERCELL: Festival of Contemporary Dance Brisbane is co-curated by Kate Usher and Glyn Roberts. Two colleagues who became friends, drink too much coffee and commiserate about Brisbane’s humidity, share a mutual a love for dance. Joining forces they co-founded Supercell with aspirations to create critical mass around the exciting things happening…
Ian Waldron: The tower of blue horses
Fireworks Gallery
Ian worked in various industries before studying Visual Arts at the Northern Territory University in the mid 1990s. Throughout his art practice he pays tribute to the story of the Kurtjar people in his homeland of the Gulf of Carpentaria. Ian has worked prolifically in his studio in Far North…
5th September, 6:30pm
WHEN : 5th September, 6:30pm WHERE : Gallery of Modern Art Hosted by Daniel Browning, presenter of ABC Radio National’s Awaye! Explore writing as a medium for expressing ideas about country, including identifying with, being displaced from or belonging to a place, with guests including: Daniel Browning, Sue Abbey, Director,…
Sage Arts: Alchemy
Land Street Gallery + Studio
‘Alchemy’ is an exhibition conceived of and curated by Isabelle Cowan and Ella Senbruns. 8 artists collaborate in pairs to respond to the theme of Alchemy. Individually they will produce an artwork that will be displayed next to their collaborators work. The pairings will feature one jeweller/small object maker and…
29th March - 23rd April
Pine Rivers Art Gallery
Obsessions: Elizabeth and Arthur Bach Obsessions is an exhibition of painting and sculpture that explores the human tendency to hoard and collect items that may be useful in some way. Painting, woodworking and design elements are utilised to make a statement about the lives, actions and habits of both the…
Naomi Blacklock: Body of Voice
22nd March - 5th April
Cut Thumb Laundry
Body of Voice gathers themes of baptisms, the witch archetype, and the female scream together in a participation based installation. Oscillating and occulting between speaker, water and air the artist’s scream is free of form, a ghost in and of itself. Here the scream in absence of body becomes a…
Lyndon Davis: Djagan Yaman
USC Art Gallery
This is the first major solo exhibition of Lyndon Davis (Kabi Kabi). Davis is an internationally acclaimed artist, educator and cultural performer. Born and raised on the Sunshine Coast, Davis’ arts practice represents his deep connection to Country. Most recently, Davis has been making work that visualises the calls of…
Publication Launch: Kiah Reading
18th June, 4:00pm
Institute of Modern Art
Between November 2015 and January 2016 Australian and Peruvian artists Kiah Reading and Pamela Arce worked at torna, Istanbul, to develop an online piece ‘In Each Other’s Lectures’. The project focussed on a collection of found images documenting the life of a woman living in Turkey in the 1970s. To…
The Keeper of Secrets
4th - 16th March
PROJECT Gallery, QCA, South Bank
WHEN : 4th – 16th March WHERE : PROJECT Gallery, QCA, South Bank Recent work by Meredith Macleod incorporating, etchings, artist books and drawings that together support a zone of enquiry that introduces multiple readings of a deconstructed doll in different locations – both physical and psychological. Gallery hours: 9am…
Monica Rohan: Topsy-turvy
19th May - 13th June
Jan Murphy Gallery
The captivating work of emerging Queensland artist Monica Rohan will be presented in her solo exhibition, Topsy-turvy, at Jan Murphy Gallery from 19 May – 13 June. Rohan has rapidly established herself as an artist to watch, with her intricately patterned artworks gaining her interest locally and nationally. Focussing on…
MONO 52: Senyawa and Fabio Perletta
Institute of Modern Art
Using bespoke instruments and experimental vocals to push at the nexus of improvisation and composition, Indonesia’s Senyawa (Rully Shabara and Wukir Suryadi) create a unique sound world. Their work is visceral and physical, and incorporates elements of traditional Indonesian music, free jazz, noise, and heavy metal. Over a decade, they have developed…
Stephen Nothling: Mostly Fine in the South East
Woolloongabba Art Gallery
Stephen Nothling was born in 1962. He completed a Diploma of art in 1984 at Queensland College of Art and a Master of Arts in Visual Arts at Queensland University in 1994. Nothling has suffered problems with his eyesight since birth but since his early 20s has been committed to…
Lawrence Abu Hamdan: Earwitness Theatre
28th September – 21st December
Institute of Modern Art
The first solo exhibition in Australia by Beirut-based artist and ‘private ear’ Lawrence Abu Hamdan presents a new co-commission, Earwitness Theatre. Abu Hamdan’s practice examines the politics of listening through installations acutely attuned to sound. Presenting an expanded library of over 90 sourced and custom-designed objects accompanied by an animated text work, Earwitness Inventory (2018) explores…
Jay Younger: Demagogues and Megalomaniacs
1st - 25th August
Jay Younger’s first solo show in Brisbane for some years includes two series: Demagogues and Megalomaniacs (2018) and Queensland (2017). Her exhibition is a powerful return to earlier concerns in image making and both photographic series take politicians as their subject matter. Younger uses ‘smoke and mirrors’ to comment on spin, chance, deception, reflection,…
What's The Difference?
23 September · 6:00 - 9:00pm
Jugglers Art Space, 103 Brunswick St
The Wandering Rom would like to invite you to the final instalment of our Dollhouse program; Stephen Russell’s solo show ‘What’s the Difference?’. ‘What’s the Differenc’e… sees Russell replicate the Dollhouse exhibition space. He explores the social, political, and philosophical dimensions of visual arts practice; he is interested in investigating…
05 August at 6:00 - 9:00
WBYK – ‘John Carpenter’ Exhibition opening and the official Semi-Permanent Afterparty. We Buy Your Kids is the multi-disciplinary design talent known for its masterful imagery and fantastical aesthetic. Biddy Maroney and Sonny Day – the phenomenal duo behind WBYK – have been at it for six years now, racking up…
Félicia Atkinson and Fujui Wang
24th August, 6:00 - 9:00pm
Institute of Modern Art
Liquid Architecture and the IMA present special Brisbane performances by French artist Félicia Atkinson and Taiwanese artist Fujui Wang in the space of the first-ever survey exhibition by brilliant Brisbane-based artist and musician, Ross Manning. Parisian-born Félicia Atkinson is a visual artist, an experimental musician and the co-publisher of the…
Elemental Phenomena
8th May – 18th July
Griffith University Art Gallery
Elemental phenomena explores naturally occurring events, constructed experiments, and transitions of states of matter, including water, air, light and magnetic fields. Artists Ella Barclay (NSW), Robin Fox (VIC), Michaela Gleave (NSW) andJason Hendrick Hansma (The Netherlands) draw on a range of materials and ideas obliquely aligned with physics, transforming the…
Benjamin Crowley and Llewellyn Millhouse: IN DREAMS YOU'RE MINE
7th - 21st May
The Walls
In Dreams You’re Mine explores intimacy, loneliness and sexuality in a domestic context. The works speak to the presence and absence of the body, dignity and abjection, in digital image-based culture, and to the warm anxiety that these tensions may incite. The exhibition confronts the physicality of sexual fulfilment through…